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Capstone Project

Historically, collage has been used by artists and activists alike to make social, political, and cultural critiques of contemporary life. “2020: A Year in Review” is an independent creative research project in which I will explore the history of the collage medium and draw on the work of select collagists of the last century from art movements including Dada and the Situationist International for inspiration as I create a printable online zine containing approximately twelve collages reflecting on the incredibly tumultuous year that 2020 has been, both personally and politically, for so many given the COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest, and political instability. Each of the collages within the zine will focus on a different month of 2020. Because the subject matter is based around collective experiences shared by most people living in the United States during this time, my hope is that those who view this zine of collages will find it somewhat relatable and, on a certain level, a potentially cathartic experience. By embodying and documenting the events of the last year, this zine may also serve as an excellent resource for future generations hoping to gain insight into what it was like living through it.

Capstone: Welcome

Lily Goldsmith

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